spin the dawn

  • my favourite reads 2019

    my favourite reads from 2019

    Jasmin December 26, 2019

    As 2019 comes to an end and we prepare for the new year, it is time to recap my reading year and see which books I enjoyed most. So without further ado, here’s my list of favourite reads from 2019 (until now, that is. It’s not clever to make this final decision when there are still 4 days left.) in the order of how I read them.

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  • top ten thursday: 2019 releases

    Jasmin January 3, 2019

    It’s this time of the year again – the beginning of … well, a new year in which normal people talk about their New Year’s resolutions while all the readers talk about the books being released in the next 365 days. To be fair –…

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