about me

She’s got a heavy heart, a messy soul, a reckless mind and I think it’s beautiful the way she carries herself.

Hey there, I’m assuming you are visiting this page to get to know something about me. My name is Jasmin, I’m currently 26 years old and from Germany. I’m working in public administration and am currently getting my bachelors in this sector. When I’m not working, I like to spend my time with family, friends and books.

I have loved books for as long as I can remember, forcing my dad to read to me every night. As soon as I was old enough to do so alone, I kept on reading under my blankets. Next to reading books, I also love thinking up new fantastical worlds. I am dreaming of becoming a published author one day and I decided to share my own adventures here as well.

I first started on Instagram and later started this blog in 2016. Since then, it’s gone through several makeovers and at one point I deleted my older posts to have a fresh start. I’ve been more active on my Instagram, but as of mid-2020, I decided to revive the blog and be more active here as well. On top of that you can also find me on Twitter and Pinterest.

Work with me!

I’d love to work with you and your brand. I know how important it is to promote your own content, so please consider if I’m the perfect platform for you. If you think so, please feel free to contact me. If you’d like me to review your book, I’d like to ask you to take a look at my Review Policy first.

Want to help?

If you enjoy the content of Jasmin’s Library and are able to, please consider making a small, but very helpful donation to keep this self-hosted site running. You can buy me a Ko-Fi and help me to produce many more fantastical posts.

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