It’s this time of the year again – the beginning of … well, a new year in which normal people talk about their New Year’s resolutions while all the readers talk about the books being released in the next 365 days. To be fair – there are quite a lot of books coming out every year and keeping an eye on all of them isn’t the easiest thing. I won’t exclude myself from this group because while thinking about this blog post, I made several lists to keep track of all the releases I didn’t want to miss. And yes, those lists weren’t identical since I always missed one or two books in my enumeration. Still, I picked out my Top Ten of book releases I don’t want to miss in 2019.

The Wicked King by Holly Black» The Wicked King by Holly Black (January 8th 2019) «
The Wicked King is definitely one of my most anticipated sequels this year. I loved The Cruel Prince and can’t wait to dive into this world again. Though I must admit that I am slightly afraid what will happen in the book and I am sure that I will die several deaths while reading it. Still, I really crave The Wicked King and this magical world full of nefarious Faerie. Especially Cardan. I crave Cardan more than anything else. And scouring the web, I know that I am not alone with these kind of feelings.

The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi» The Gilded Wolves by Roshani Chokshi (January 15th 2019) «
Described as a “darkly glamorous world full of mystery, decadence, and dangerous but thrilling adventure”, The Gilded Wolves snatched my attention right away. Though I sadly haven’t read anything else by Roshani Chokshi until now, I am seriously hyped to dive into this 1889 version of Paris. I have seen some information about the characters floating around the author’s instagram and you can’t imagine how curious I am to meet them. Also – the cover. It’s so pretty that I would’ve judged this book by its cover alone and bought it just because of it. I’m not even ashamed.

King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo» King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo (January 29th 2019) «
I am dying to finally FINALLY get my hands on a book that features my favourite pirate privateer prince! Ever since I’ve read the Grisha trilogy, I prayed to every deity for a book about Nikolai Lantsov. And now I am getting a duology with King o Scars being the first book. I might have wept a bit when it was announced and as soon as it was up for pre-order, I ordered it. For this one, I had seriously no self-control and I can feel my heartbeat quicken when I think about the fact that I only have to wait 26 more days. That’s not even a month!

The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon» The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon (February 26th 2019) «
Everyone who knows me, probably knows that my favourite genre to read is fantasy and that I LOVE dragons. When I read about this huge epic fantasy (honestly, this book is a brick!) that contains dragons, I couldn’t resist and tried to get every information possible about it. Only last year I discovered Samantha Shannon and I fell in love with her writing style – knowing that The Priory of the Orange Tree was her book, I knew that I wanted it even more. Seeing the ARCs floating around the world and then the reaction of the readers only confirmed my wish for reading it.

Romanov by Nadine Brandes» Romanov by Nadine Brandes (May 7th 2019) «
First of all – look at that cover. Ever since I got to be a part of the team that revealed it, I can’t stop looking at this absolute beauty. Second – a retelling of Anastasia Romanov’s story? Yes, please! Ever since Nadine revealed her plans to write this story, I am a giddy human being, trying to contain myself. I am lucky enough to be a part of the Romanov ARC world tour and let me tell you – I still want to hold a finished copy in my hand. And I am slightly sad that I have to wait another 4 months to get it but well, the anticipation only gets bigger!

Aurora Rising by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman» Aurora Rising by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman (May 7th 2019) «
What can I say? I am absolute Jay Kristoff trash. I fell in love with his books and writing style over the last year, even though I have to admit that you have to get used to his style. But Kristoff is easily one of my favourite authors. Since I have already read The Illuminae Files by Kristoff and Kaufman, I am pretty sure that their new series starting with Aurora Rising will slay as well. Also, this part of the blurb: “They’re not the heroes we deserve. They’re just the ones we could find. Nobody panic.” Excuse me, but I really want to see and a band of misfit heroes trying to save the galaxy.

We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal» We Hunt the Flame by Hafsah Faizal (May 14th 2019) «
We Hunt the Flame is definitely on the top of my top ten releases this year. The story takes place in a richly detailed world inspired by ancient Arabia and there might be an enemies-to-lovers trope (which I adore). I am lucky enough to be part of Hafsah‘s street team and thus I am even more excited to see her book finally hit the shelves this year! I am also so happy to see Hafsah’s delight since this book will be her debut. And I’m sure it will be an amazing one. And again – look at that stunning cover art! I love the minimalistic look of it and could stare t it for hours.

Dev1at3 by Jay Kristoff» Dev1at3 by Jay Kristoff (May 28th 2019) «
I already told you I am Jay Kristoff trash and I wasn’t kidding. Of his three releases this year – yes, there will be another one! – I am most curious about this one. Dev1at3 (or Deviate, for an easier reading flow) is the sequel to Lifel1k3, which is a somehow apocalyptic retelling of the story of Anastasia Romanov (you can see my preferences, don’t you?). I have to admit that this series is definitely different than all of the other books on this list, but that’s what I like about it and thus I can’t wait to dive into this story once again.

Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim» Spin the Dawn by Elizabeth Lim (July 30th 2019) «
I am being shamlessly honest here – before I even knew about the story, I just wanted to have the book because of the cover. But as I discovered what Spin the Dawn is about, I wanted it even more. The main characters disguises herself Mulan-style as a boy to win a competition to become the greatest tailor in the land – a position usually reserved for men. As if this wouldn’t be challenge enough, she must sew three magical dresses in order to win. Do I need to say more? The only thing being left to said is that I wish, July will come soon so that I can finally read this beautiful story.

Darkdawn by Jay Kristoff» Darkdawn by Jay Kristoff (September 3rd 2019) «
Last but not least – Darkdawn, the conclusion to the epic Nevernight Chronicle. You can’t imagine how much I want this book right now. As I already said, I love Jay Kristoff’s writing and Nevernight was the first book of him that I read. So, seeing this series come to an end, somehow hurts a bit. But I know that Darkdawn will make a perfect conclusion to the story that unfolded in the first two books. I can only hope that I won’t die of emotions while reading it and that Jay Kristoff won’t break me completely.

Of course there are many more releases coming this year, which I want to read. But I simply had to narrow it down, otherwise this list would have never stopped. What are some of the releases YOU can’t wait for this year?

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