• review: six of crows by leigh bardugo

    Jasmin March 14, 2017

    She wouldn’t wish love on anyone. It was the guest you welcomed and then couldn’t be rid of. This is a review containing minor spoilers which can also be viewed HERE. By the time I finished the Grisha trilogy by the wonderful Leigh Bardugo I…

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  • review: the grisha trilogy by leigh bardugo

    Jasmin March 7, 2017

    Na razrusha’ya. I am not ruined. E’ya razrushost. I am ruination. This is a review containing spoilers. The story of these books – namely Shadow and Bone, Siege and Storm as well as Ruin and Rising – and yours truly is one that needed quite…

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  • #bookwormproblems

    Jasmin March 3, 2017

    Well, as bookworms – or bookdragons, as I prefer to say – we all know those typical problems that come with having too many books. Okay, this one is a lie because one can never have too many books. All there is is not enough…

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  • review: caraval by stephanie garber

    Jasmin February 28, 2017

    Every person has the power to change their fate if they are brave enough to fight for what they desire more than anything. This is a spoiler-free review which can also be viewed HERE. My dear gentlemen and fair ladies, welcome, welcome to Caraval –…

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  • bookstagram 101: post ideas

    Jasmin February 23, 2017

    I’ve been on bookstagram for half a year now and I’ve come across some struggles every user encounters sooner or later. After searching the web for solutions to my own problems – and not fidning enough helpful tips – I decided to start a new…

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