nanowrimo 2020: introduction

November 3, 2020

It is November again, which means an exciting month is ahead! While this is my birthday month, it also means that it’s National Novel Writing month (or NaNoWriMo). For those of you who don’t know what this, let me give you a short introduction. NaNoWriMo exists since 1999 and occurs every year. You try to write a novel with 50.000 words in one month, effectively pushing through a first draft (or second, or third – whatever stage you’re in). It’s a creative project, helping you to get the words flowing and challenging yourself. I’m participating since 2013, though not every year and with more or less success. I originally didn’t plan to participate this year, with everything being chaotic. But as I’m dreaming of becoming a published author one day, I decided to give it a chance and work on my latest WIP. As if the whole thing of NaNoWriMo isn’t enough motivation already, I decided to write a short series of blog posts. I’ll update you on my progess, starting with nanowrimo 2020: introduction.

nanowrimo 2020: introduction

This year’s project is technically not a new one. I’ve been playing around with this idea since the beginning of the year. Until now, I have also already written something, though it’s not even a full chapter yet, so the word count is pretty low. This might be some kind of rebellious act, but at least I’m giving myself the NaNo Rebel badge for not starting a brand new project. But next to these few words, my project is far from being worked out. It is currently named The Court of Wolves and I put together a rough blurb, though that might change:

After a disastrous choosing ceremony, a young sorceress is forced to take on a dangerous mission in order to retain her magic. When Anouk, a promising sorceress and the best of her year, doesn’t get picked at her choosing ceremony by the nobility as was expected, she is facing exactly two options: losing the magic she worked so hard on perfecting or accepting a mysterious and rather dangerous order. Wanting nothing more than to keep her magic, Anouk decides to take the offer and is sent to get close to The Wolf Queen, one of the several queens ruling the land – and the most mysterious, as there are only rumours about her and her court.

So far, that’s it. The genre will be NA fantasy, as I’s love to read about characters in their mid-twenties going on a journey. While there is absolutely nothing wrong with YA (my most read genre), I once read that you should write what you want to read. So NA it is. I already have some characters in mind – most prominently Anouk and The Wolf Quee. And of course some others I don’t want to name yet. The first draft will start with the introduction of Anouk and the already named choosing ceremony and later follow Anouk throughout the land. There will be a F/F romance, though not the focus of the story, as I don’t want the story to live from the romance part. There are so many other things wrong in their world, love is the smallest problem.

As already mentioned in the blurb, there is magic in the world, though it is chaotic. Not everyone who is able to wield it, can actually control it. This caused the land to fall into chaos itself, without borders between the queendoms. Contrary to what one might believe, Anouk’s personal plan does not involve saving the land and becoming a hero. Instead she rather wants to stay away from everything and live somewhere with her magic, without anyone bothering her. But it would be way to easy to giver her such a life, so instead I’m going to wreck some havoc.

what else?

I feel like this is sufficent for the introduction and I should definitely get to work and start writing. As of now, already missed writing the first day. Aand didn’t write much on day two, either. I need to get something on paper to keep on track. If you want to know more about the story, here are some links you might find interesting. I put up the Pinterest board, the link to my instagram as well as my NaNoWriMo profile! If you’re participating in this years NaNoWriMo, please feel free to connect with me! I would love to hear about your project, your characters and what you are planning for them. It’s always nice to hear from other people’s projects and see that you are not alone in this. Let’s tackle this together! If you’re interested in other blog posts about writing, you can take a look at my writing category.

the links

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