Being part of a buddy read is one thing – being part of a group buddy read is one thing else entirely. I realized that in my second week of taking part in said group buddy read with the girls and Holly Black’s The Cruel Prince. But especially things like that make a buddy read so interesting.

Last week started off pretty well concerning my reading – I’ve had enough time and the world of The Cruel Prince still got me hooked and pulled me in after just a few sentences. I enjoyed diving into the land of Faerie and wanted to finish the book as soon as possible (even though I wanted to hold myself back at the same moment). But just then life happened – it crashed through a wall, grabbed by book and threw it away. At least that’s almost how it felt. Somewhere around the middle of the week I started to get sick but ignored it and named it exhaustion. Because of a dancing show I was taking part in on Sunday I had to rehearse a lot and never thought that I might be getting sick. What I really want to say with this is that things always tend to turn out different than planned. And that’s okay and no reason to worry.

Because of all this I wasn’t able to discuss the second quarter of the book with the girls on Sunday or publish this blog post. It made me sad that I couldn’t be a part of the others thoughts but again – this is okay. Instead this delay gave me the time to think about the new aspects of this experience. First of all I am incredibly glad and grateful to share it with so many awesome ladies that are kind and understanding. They gave me the time to sort out my answers and talk about them after the original date. Normally I’m a person who wants things done when they are due and most of the time this really stresses me out. But this week helped me to understand that sometimes it is okay to take a little more time in order to organize things and feel okay about it – I am thankful for that.

In case you’re interested in our discussion, I listed our questions which were put together by Ariana. And because I enjoy this buddy read so much, I am going to share my answers with you. Until now there are spoilers to the characters and plot so please stop reading if you haven’t read the book by now and don’t want to be spoiled. In case you don’t own the book by now, you can get it via Book Depository* (right now you can save 21% on the hardback!).

As always from the bottom of my – take care and stay safe, book dragons!

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1. Who is your favorite character?
I am still head over heels with Vivi because this girl is literally part Faerie and could easily live among them but she just doesn’t care and I wish I had an attitude like that. I’m also getting warmer with Jude, but I’m still somehow suspicious of her – I’ll see if it gets better or worse! While I really enjoyed Locke I am now at a point where I don’t know whether I can trust him or not. Help!

2. Do you like the writing style?
The writing style is still very enjoyable for me and I am sinking deeper and deeper into Faerie because of it.

3. What do you expect to happen?
The suspicion of Locke betraying everyone grows worse and I really don’t want it to happen because it would break my heart. But I simply can’t shake this feeling off. I’m also somehow thinking that Taryn might marry one of the princes – probably Dain – and I’m not sure what to think about that.

4. What do you like most about the book?
Thankfully I’m getting warmer with Jude and I love how her own troubles are shown. She knows when she’s doing something wrong and she feels incredibly bad about it (at least sometimes), but does it anyway because it has do be done. She isn’t the cold-hearted girl I thought her to be and I really really love this realistic portrayal of her.

5. What don’t you like at all?
While I hated Valerian – guess that problem solved itself now, oops – I still despise Nicasia and really want to see something happen to her before I can do it. This girl is so annoying. I also don’t like Balekin very much – for obvious reasons – and I’m growing more and more suspicious of Prince Dain.

6. Which special quote made you think further?
“She’s looking around the forest, as though if she can prove it isn’t magic, then nothing else is, either. Which is stupid. All forests are magic.”

7. Is there something you can’t stop thinking about from it?
My mind continuously wanders back to the piece of paper from Cardan with Jude’s name on it. While she thinks he did that because he hates her, I’m taking a guess at him being actually in love with her.

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my first ever buddy read and what it made me realize – pt. I

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my first ever buddy read and what it made me realize – pt. III

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