• review: queen of shadows by sarah j. maas

    Jasmin April 14, 2017

    She was fire, and light, and ash, and embers. She was Aelin Fireheart, and she bowed for no one and nothing, save the crown that was hers by blood and survival and triumph. This is a review containing major spoilers which can also be viewed…

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  • feeling guilty

    Jasmin April 10, 2017

    This is going to be a personal post, but I believe that this theme is extremely important. So thank you for reading. As a child, I have always been an avid reader. I started reading at a very young age – my mom still loves…

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  • review: heir of fire by sarah j. maas

    Jasmin April 7, 2017

    “Fireheart – why do you cry?” “Because I am lost,” she whispered onto the earth. “And I do not know the way.” This is a review containing minor spoilers which can also be viewed HERE. Sarah J. Maas isn’t just an author – she is…

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  • holiday reading: april 2017

    Jasmin April 5, 2017

    When it comes to packing books for my holidays, I endure the biggest struggles when it comes to books. How many books am I likely to read? Which ones will be fitting my holiday mood the best? Are these really enough or do I need…

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  • review: crooked kingdom by leigh bardugo

    Jasmin April 3, 2017

    I would have come for you. And if I couldn’t walk, I’d crawl to you, and no matter how broken we were, we’d fight our way out together-knives drawn, pistols blazing. Because that’s what we do. We never stop fighting. This is a review containing…

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