characters i’d like to be my valentine

February 14, 2020

Happy Valentine’s day to everyone – whether you celebrate it or not. I hope you’re spending your day with a loved one. But if you’re like me (the only relationship I have is a very complicated one with my books, the bed and my refrigerator!), don’t worry. You’re not alone and we will have the best Valentine’s Day EVER. Because we’re going to spend it with some of my favourite literary characters. Or at least the ones I’d like to be mine on this day!

Just so we get this right: this is an incomplete list (because I love way too many characters and I simply cannot fit all of them in a single blog post!) and it is in alphabetical order. It’s impossible to rank bookish babes. I love them all. But without further ado, here it is. A selection of possible dates for you and me to choose from!

» Aelin Galathynius « (Throne of Glass / Sarah J. Maas)
Just think about sitting on a balcony in Terrasen, a box of chocolates on a small table, a good book in one hand. Scratching a snoring Fleetfoot with the other. All of this together with Aelin – who’s probably just as deep into a book as well. A day spent reading, laughing and eating. Watching the sun finally set over the green lands.

» Ead Duryan « (The Priory of the Orange Tree / Samantha Shannon)
Just imagine a date with this beautiful, intelligent and fierce mage – maybe underneath an orange tree with sunlight filtering through the leaves? Enjoying a meal consisting of several small dishes from the South, Ead’s home. If you ask me, this sounds like such a wonderful and chill way to spend the day!

» Eragon Bromsson « (The Inheritance Cycle / Christopher Paolini)
Sword fighting, dragon-riding – what kind of person doesn’t want such a date? Just think about climbing on a dragons back, clinging tot he scales and flying high above the clouds? Well, the date is not exactly with Saphira (that would be kind of weird), but maybe Eragon would be kind enough to shift the date from earth to sky?

» Helene Aquilla « (An Ember in the Ashes / Sabaa Tahir)
Instead of just idling away time, how about some fighting instead? Not to your death, but on the grounds of Blackcliff Acadamy, together with a beautiful silver-haired girl. Helene would definitely be up for some sparring, just to end up breathless and laughing in the sands, holding hands and listening to the song of the desert.

» John Ambrose McClaren « (To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before / Jenny Han)
Reading for a whole day together with your date? Getting book recommendations and soft smiles? Getting lost in easy flowing discussions about everything and anything? Maybe even a romantic moment in the pouring rain? I think there couldn’t be a more romantic date!

» Jude Duarte « (The Cruel Prince / Holly Black)
First some lessons in swordplay and later a round of scheming against the Folk of Elfhame together with the Court of Shadows. Probably not too much to eat – though it might look good, the food of the Folk might harm us humans. Still, Jude would be watchful enough for two. Maybe she would also be willing to give a tour around the lands?

» Laila / L‘Enigme « (The Gilded Wolves / Roshani Chokshi)
Spending a night while watching the equally famous and mysterious L’Enigme dancing already sounds like the perfect way to spend your time? Just think about how wonderful it would be to stay with Laila in the kitchens instead. Baking cakes, making sweet desserts together – and eating them all up afterwards. Personally, spending my time baking with Laila sounds way more alluring.

» Marco Alisdair « (The Night Circus / Erin Morgenstern)
Taking Valentine’s Day and turning it into Valentine’s Night with Marco! Strolling through the winding paths of the Night Circus. Visiting shows and tents and vendors you’ve never even dreamed of. Feeling a taste of magic on your lips, wwhile Marco leads the way and discovers secrets that haven’t been there before. Definitely a night to remember!

» Nasir Ghameq « (We Hunt the Flame / Hafsah Faizal)
Having a deadly assassin as a date – a grumpy one, on top of that – doesn’t sound like the brightest idea. But well, if you love risking your life (and dealing with a whole lot of extraordinary grumpiness), Naasi might be perfect for you. And (if you didn’t know already) he’s a prince. Who would say no to that? (Seriously, would you? Say not o an assassin? Good luck with that!)

» Nikolai Lantsov « (Grishaverse / Leigh Bardugo)
A lovely afternoon stroll through the gardens of the Grand Palace, watching the silhouette of Os Alta in the distance. Or maybe a day spent on the deck of a ship, facing the rough waves and following yet unknown adventures? Nikolai would certainly make sure to provide everything that is needed – or wanted!

» Nina Zenik « (Grishaverse / Leigh Bardugo)
Waffles, waffles and waffles. A waffle date. If you want a date with Nina, this would be the perfect setting. Besides the fact that she would definitely never turn down such an invitation – that would probably be the best day of her life. Also one could meet up everywhere in Ketterdam to have waffles – with Nina and her powers, no one would dare to come too close.

» Rhy Maresh « (Shades of Magic / V.E. Schwab)
Thinking about a date with a member of the royal family from Red London? Think about lunch for two with a view on the red glowing Isle from a tower of the palace. About magic humming in the air, mixing with the delicate smell of flowers. A glass of your favourite drink and endless stories from Rhy. Sounds very charming to me!

» Safiya fon Hasstrel « (Witchlands / Susan Dennard)
How does a day full of laughing, food and some books sound? Maybe even a game of Truth or Dare? Though, if we’re completely honest, that would be a stupid idea. Safi would rule the game. And it wouldn’t be a date for two since Safi would probably also bring Iseult into this – whether she wants to or not. So a date with two threadsisters it is!

» Thomas Creswell « (Stalking Jack the Ripper / Kerry Maniscalco)
To be honest, spending the day with a forensic pathologist might not be for everyone, but Thomas would sure be happy to provide his knowledge and talk about his own charm at the same time. But what about strolling through London instead? Or a trip to the other side of the world? The options for adventures are endless with him. And maybe, if he’s feeling gracious, he’ll paint something as a present!

Phew, what a ride. It’s extremely fun to think abput what kind of date what character would like. But here’s to you: which character would you choose for a date on Valentine’s Day (or any other day)? And how would this date look like?

Lots of love,

Comments (4)

  • Margaret G

    February 14, 2020 at 20:07

    The date with Aelin sounds absolutely lovely and perfect and now it’s all I want on Valentine’s Day! Also this post is so cute, I love it!

    1. Jasmin

      February 17, 2020 at 08:12

      Thank you so much! I appreciate it so much that you like it! ?

  • Rameela

    February 15, 2020 at 19:09

    omg you have TASTE especially with John Ambrose and Nasir! So different from each other but I love them both as well!

    1. Jasmin

      February 17, 2020 at 08:10

      YES! They couldn’t be more different, but they are some of the best!

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