Today I’m doing something fairly different to what I write normally. I’m going to participate in the behind the book blogger-tag! I never really did a tag, but I figured it was a nice and funny way to get to know me better! I originally found this tag via Jessica’s blog and she didn’t tag anyone, but I felt free to tag myself. So a massive thanks to Jessica! ?

the rules

» thank the person who nominated you
» answer all the questions
» link back to the creator: Ellyn @ Allonsythornraxxy
» nominate 5+ bloggers you’d like to know more about, to do this tag

the questions

1. Why did you start blogging? And why have you kept blogging?
I actually started blogging because I always loved to write – and read. I never had anyone to share those passions with when I was younger and when I discovered that people are actually sharing their love for books, I wanted to do the same! Fun fact – I originally started on tumblr (under a very different name) until one day I wanted a real blog (tumblr blogs are real, but that simply wasn’t what I wanted). So when I finally found a fitting name, I just bought the domain and started to teach myself most of the things I needed to know. Though I haven’t been very active lately (ther’ll be a post explaining this!), I really can’t let go of my blog and I am already setting up a plan to revive it once again.

2. What is your favorite type of blog post to write?
I enjoy creative writing the most. Reviews don’t come that easy to me (mostly because I fear I can’t voice my thoughts just right), so I very much enjoy finding a creative outlet. I loved making a literary dish or an upcoming post for Valentine’s Day. So, creative posts it is!

3. What are your top three favorite blog posts?
This question is somehow killing me, when I think about how inactive this blog has been. So, digging though the old stuff, I’d say:

» my favourite reads from 2019
» review: the priory of the orange tree
» literary dishes: date filled ma’moul

4. What are some of your favorite things to do to relax?
I feel like it’s very pretentious to say reading. But reading alwys helps me to calm down and relax. But I also enjoy bullet journaling, caring for my plants, gaming (at the moment almost exclusively The Witcher II (which I’ve been playing ever since it came out)I and Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey) or simply cuddling with my younger sister. Soul food, a hot shower and a few episodes of Brooklyn Nine-Nine also help with it.

5. What are three of your favorite things?
Only three? This hurts, but okay …

» books (like … who would’ve guessed?)
» my sister (I’m such a family person and my sister is my favourite human ever!)
» Norway (my favourite country I’ve visited so far!)

6. What are your proudest blogging moments?
Well, as sad as it sounds, but probably the deciscion to actually start a blog (in english, though it’s not my native language) and not giving up (even if I might have thought about it once or twice!). Just keeping it alive more or less, but always finding the will to keep going!

7. What are your hobbies outside of blogging?
I recently discovered Yoga for me (though currently it’s more of a love-hate-relationship), gaming if I find the time) and cooking / baking. I love making food (but hate to clean afterwards) for people and I’m always glad if there’s someone who’s hungry.

8. Describe your personality in three words.
Loyal. Ambitious. Passionate.

9. What are your top three pet peeves?
I never though I had so much pet peeves until I really started thinking about it and realized it’s super hard to pick only three. But:
Unpunctuality. Breaking the spines of my books. People exploiting others.

10. What’s something your followers don’t know about you?
I’m not sure if any of my bookish friends know this, but I’m doing my Bachelor of Arts in Public Administration – even though my dream is still to become an author. I’m working on it! Also I am German – it seems like people tend to forget this and are surprised when I tell them.

And that’s the tag! This was a really fun thing to do and made me think a lot about myself – something I rarely do. But It’s nice to refelct myself and I hope it helped tot o get to know me better! Against the rules, I’m not tagging anyone but invate everyone instead! If you want to do the tag, feel free to do so and tag me (if you want to!) to say it was me.

Lots of love,

Comments (4)

  • Margaret G

    February 13, 2020 at 14:53

    I love this tag idea! Great way to meet the person behind the blog. A lot of my friends/family aren’t big readers, and I’m finding this whole online community of book lovers and am so excited to share my love of books with others! Also, your review of Priory of the Orange Tree has me dying to read it ?

    1. Jasmin

      February 13, 2020 at 21:53

      Yes! I never thought I’d enjoy tags so much! And it’s so great to finally connect with people who share your passion! ❤️ And thank you! I hope you’ll enjoy it!


    February 13, 2020 at 16:46

    I’m so glad you decided to do this tag yourself! Great answers 🙂

    1. Jasmin

      February 13, 2020 at 21:52

      Thank you so much! ❤️

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