The Norse myths are the myths of a chilly place, with long, long winter nights and endless summer days, myths of a people who did not entirely trust or even like their gods, although they respected and feared them.

This is a spoiler-free review which can also be viewed HERE.

Since I was little I loved to read everything related to mythology – mostly greek and egyptian, but norse mythology was also dearly loved. The daughter of friends of my parents taught me everything she knew – which was quite a lot – because she loved mythologies as well. So when I stumbled over Norse Mythology by Neil Gaiman I couldn’t do anything else than buy and read it. It consists of various short stories that weave around the norse gods and goddesses and interlace with each other.

This book is not a full all-the-way-down-review but more a little ramble and admiration for a book that gave me back a part of my past. Following some of the most famous gods (and goddesses) like Odin, Loki and Thor Norse Mythology tells some of the legends and stories from the old age with a new twist. The stories were not that long and the book is a quick and light read. I found myself flying through the pages, enjoying the myths that were told and the gods and monsters I met on my journey. I giggled like a small child when I encountered a myth I already knew from my early life and was amazed at the twists Gaiman put to them.

All in all this book was a perfect choice when I fell into a reading slump. It wasn’t too heavy or too complex and so it was exactly what I needed. I discussed the book with a few people on my Instagram and found that not everyone liked it – which is totally fine! But nonetheless I am thankful that Gaiman took me back into a part of my childhood and woke my interest in mythologies once again.

I decided that the style of Gaiman is one I really enjoy and decided real fast that I want to read more by him – to compare and to see whether all his books were like this one (especially American Gods got my interest). Reading about mythology again is also the reason I finally started the Percy Jackson-series – I can’t get enough from mythologies and if I could I would read everything concerning it.

Do you have any recommendations when it comes to books dealing with the trope of mythology? I don’t care which mythology since I love to learn about every single one of them!

The rating:

Comments (4)

  • Hâf

    September 17, 2017 at 23:58

    I love mythology so I this book will definitely be added to my to buy list! It’s such a stunning books as well.

    1. Jasmin

      September 26, 2017 at 12:35

      That’s great, Hâf! It’s such a fun and light read and more than that – it looks absolutely beautiful. Tell me how you liked it ♥

  • Esmée

    September 23, 2017 at 11:13

    This book seems really cool!

    1. Jasmin

      September 26, 2017 at 12:36

      It is and you should give it a try and read it

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